Pl. find answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions about this website. I received these questions via email, comments form and sites help forum. 

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I would like to add a comment box to my Google site allowing all visitors to leave comments without sign-in. Ho to do it?

We can add comments form and list box to receive and show all comments using Google Spreadsheet and Form. All visitors can leave comments and there is no need to sign-in as collaborators. Pl. check this link for a detailed procedure https://www.raveen.net/comments/create

How do I delete unwanted comments?

You can remove unwanted comments. Each submitted comment is stored in a row on your spreadsheet. Just delete the row that has unwanted comments and save your spreadsheet. Pl. do the following:

Log onto Google Documents. Open your spreadsheet; select a row by clicking on the row number from the row header (extreme left). Right click and click ‘Delete row’. Click File> Save & close.
